Variation 120

Variation 120
'Variation 120' is a kinetic sculpture created by the artist Damien Bénéteau.
The Variations series is based on the movement of a pendulum, whose rhythm is determined by the specific weight of each mass. An interdisciplinary theme, shared among mathematics, astronomy, biology and music, variation implies a gap, a way of being different which an animated sculpture can adopt to highlight its singularity. Furtively evoking the contours of a loudspeaker, a musical note or a metronome, these sculptures punctuate the music of time which ticks on and the echo of the beat of life. A slight push on the upper weight will activate the pendulum for a few minutes.
A photographer by training, Bénéteau creates art dedicated to light, capturing it in a way that renders it nearly tangible.
'Variation 120' is a limited edition of 100 pieces.

Height: 415 mm
Width: 300 mm
Depth: 100 mm
Limited Edition : 100 pieces

Damien Bénéteau
Trained in photography, Damien Bénéteau transposes the process of capturing light into sculpture. In his works the juxtaposition of objects, movement and light serves to produce two types of sculpture, molding the field of vision as well as his materials.